Vita Biosa probiotic helps you through every day with a well functioning digestion and a strengthened immune
system. Vita Biosa Probiotic is a probiotic herb drink containing an extract of selected organic herbs ,developed tocreate a balanced intestinal fl ora for every family member between 1 and 99 years old. The 19 different herbs
are fermented with 3 probiotic bacteria cultures. During the fermentation the bacteria multiply while they convert carbohydrates (sugar) to organic acids, mostly lactic acid. The developed acids preserve the product. When all the sugar has been converted, the fermentation process is over and the product is sugar free.
The intestinal eco-system plays an important role for our wellbeing and health as 70-80% of our immune system is established here. We live in a symbiosis with a sensitive intestinal culture; established at the time of birth and developed through the food we eat. The intestinal bacteria help us to optimally utilise the nutrients in the food. They influence the maturing and maintenance of the bowels and are essential for the development of our immune system. The immune system distinguishes between benefi cial and harmful bacteria. When the bacteria in the gut, good as well as bad, meet the intestinal wall, the intestinal cells communicate to the body, which immune cells that need to
be recruited. This way, our defence cells can look after the benefi cial bacteria and fi ght the harmful ones.
The probiotic bacteria in Vita Biosa Probiotic can survive in and adhere to the intestines, multiply and communicate with the intestinal cells. The developed acids and the probiotic bacteria create an acidic intestinal environment and thus prevent the growth of many harmful bacteria. This way the harmful bacteria are outmatched. Studies have shown, that a probiotic bacteria dominated digestive system improves the bowel functions and strengthens the immune system:
1.The digestive system is improved because increased amounts of probiotic bacteria stimulate the natural digestive movements and enhance the digestion and the expulsion of waste products.
2.The immune system is strengthened because the probiotic bacteria restrict the growth of decaying bacteria and promote the production of antibodies in the intestinal mucous membrane (IgA).
Vita Biosa Probiotic facilitates a natural stimulation of the defence mechanisms in the digestive tract and
regulates the stomach and bowel functions through balancing the micro flora.
Vita Biosa Probiotic with its millions of living probiotic bacteria and organic herbs is available in different tastes: